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How Businesses Can Improve Their Office Security

Office security studying the CCTV footages

As an entrepreneur, one of your chief business concerns is likely to be the security of your office premise. A break-in not only leads to the theft of company assets, but the incident can also affect the confidence of your staff. When your employees are concerned about their safety, a drop in morale is inevitable.

To minimise your insurance liabilities and ensure the well-being of your staff, you need to keep the workplace safe and secure. So how can you go about accomplishing this goal? Read on to learn about the four tips to beef up the security of your office.

Tip #1: Analyse and identify any blind spot in the office premise

Naturally, every office will possess a basic security system to deter intruders from breaking in. But is it sufficient? Sometimes, the security system might not be extensive enough to cover the entire premise. There may still be blind spots within the office that can be exploited by unauthorised personnel. Therefore, it is crucial to identify these security issues and eliminate them immediately.

Tip #2: Install CCTV cameras

Installing CCTV cameras within premises

After you have undertaken a comprehensive review of your workplace, you should install CCTV cameras in the areas where you have identified a blind spot. These new cameras should complement your existing CCTV system to enhance the security of your office.

In addition to serving as a deterrence against any break-in attempts, these cameras act as a safety blanket for your staff, letting them know their workplace is safely monitored for any signs of trouble. When your employees feel secure, they can dedicate full attention to their tasks.

Furthermore, these CCTV installations can help reduce your business insurance premiums. When your insurer notes that you are taking active measures to safeguard your assets, thereby minimising insurance risks, you will require less premium coverage.

Tip #3: Invest in an alarm system

Setting up alarm systems

While CCTV cameras remain an effective deterrence against trespassers, these devices alone do not constitute a robust security system. Pairing your existing CCTV system with a quality security alarm system is crucial to keeping your business premise secure.

Depending on your security settings, a security alarm system can alert you or the relevant authorities of a break-in when it occurs. Some of the fundamental kits you should consider implementing include motion detectors, glass-break sensors, and door and window contact sensors.

Each sensor serves a specific function, but they are all integrated into a central security panel for ease of use. Once you have tweaked the security system to your preferred settings, you can rest easy knowing your office is safe even when you are away from work.

Tip #4: Emphasize the importance of workplace security

Security training presentation

Even the most expensive and robust security system in the world cannot eliminate the risks associated with negligence. Careless mistakes, such as forgetting to lock up essential documents or securing the entrance before leaving work, can result in theft within the property. Therefore, it is pivotal for you to carry out security training regularly so that your staff is aware of the importance of maintaining workplace security.

It is advisable to draft a guideline detailing what employees can do to contribute to a safer work environment. These measures, such as keeping devices and confidential documents under lock and key, can go a long way in enhancing the security of the workplace.

As your company continues to grow, the security risks it faces will scale accordingly. Therefore, it is vital for you to constantly think about how to enhance the security of your office. By planning ahead and remaining vigilant, you are fulfilling your obligations as an employer by ensuring your staff’s well-being and maintaining a safe and secure work environment.

If you are interested to find out how you can improve your workplace security, feel free to speak to our consultants at Astrol Security Engineering Pte Ltd. As one of the leading security service providers in Singapore, we can provide your company with a thorough assessment of its security needs. Do not hesitate to contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business.




